1. What do I do if I believe that the sewer is backing up into my home?
Since water seeks the path of least resistance, check the toilets and tubs on the lowest level of your home. Are they the ones backing up?
- If not, the problem is most likely an internal plumbing issue.
- If they are, call the Authority immediately. Our telephone number is 215-295-8181 opt #2. Our business hours are Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm. If our office is closed, please call the Sewage Treatment Plant at 215-736-0018. We will check the main sewer line. If there is a blockage, we will swiftly remedy the problem. If the main is flowing normally, then the problem is located somewhere in the home’s plumbing or the lateral connecting the plumbing to the main sewer line, and is the customer’s responsibility. In this instance call a recommended plumber or pipe cleaning company quickly.
What NOT to Flush Down the Toilet
1. Feminine Products
Tampons and other feminine hygiene products are not supposed to be flushed down the toilet.
2. Cooking Grease/Food
Grease should never be poured down any drain, period. It may look like a liquid that can easily be dumped down a drain, but when it cools, it will congeal and clog up your pipes.
3. Baby Wipes/Wet Wipes/Cleaning Pads
These “adult baby wipes” are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. They are also increasingly causing clogs and backups in sewage pipes across the country.
4. Dental Floss
Floss is not biodegradable and can cause serious clogs and environmental damage.
5. Q-tips/Cotton Balls
You might think that cotton will break down, since some toilet paper is made from cotton linen (Cottonelle/Cottonsoft), but they don’t! They will clump together, causing stoppages at bends in the pipes.
6. Diapers
Diapers are made to expand in water. In the unlikely case you actually get the diaper to flush, it will likely get caught in the U-bend of the pipe.
7. Paper Towels/Tissues
If you really want to save money and help the environment, you will use washable cloths and rags, but if you have to use paper towels, throw them in the trash, not the toilet. Tissues and paper towels are not made to dissolve like toilet paper; throw them in the trash.
2. What do I do if I suspect poor water quality?
First, gather information that can help solve the problem.
- After 5 minutes of running the cold water, does the quality issue go away? Is the issue visible after letting the water settle in a clear glass cup or mug?
- Is the quality issue present at multiple faucets?
- Do you have a filter or treatment system inside your home? Does it need maintenance?
- When was the last time you drained your hot water heater? Iron and rust build-up in the water can be carried into the home’s plumbing if not periodically flushed.
Call the Authority. There might be an emergency repair or routine flushing going on in your vicinity. If not, we’ll investigate the situation promptly.
3. Is there anything that I need to do before selling my home?
A final water/sewer certification is required to pay all charges of your account at time of settlement. The title company should request the certification with a check for $30 payable to the MMA.
4. Where is your office located?
Morrisville Borough Hall
35 Union Street
Morrisville, PA. 19067
5. What are your office hours?
Monday thru Friday except for Holidays
8am – 4pm
Holidays: New Years Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving & Christmas Day
6. How is the amount of my water bill determined?
Water meters are now read remotely on a quarterly (3-month) cycle. The Morrisville Authority then bills customers a minimum charge for the first 5,000 gallons of water and sewer in that quarter, plus any additional amount of water used (over 5,000 gallons) at the rate established per 1000 gallons. Please refer to our rate info page.
7. When is a bill late and what is the penalty charge?
A bill is late after 30 days. The penalty charge is 10% on the unpaid balance.
8. What is the average water bill?
Due to the different consumption needs by everyone, this question cannot be answered accurately.
9. I am selling my home. How do I get the bill out of my name?
When you are selling your home the closing title company will need to contact our office a minimum of one (1) week prior to your closing date. At that time, we will obtain a meter reading which will result in a final bill provided to your title company, to be paid at closing.
10. I do not live at this address and the tenant is responsible for the bill. Why can’t you send him/her the bill?
A copy of the bill can be sent to the tenant, but the account must remain in the owners name. Unlike other utilities, the water department has the right to lien your property if the bill remains unpaid. The bill stays in your name and is sent to you so you are aware of any charges. If it is the tenant’s responsibility to pay for the bill, you should forward the bill to them in a timely manner or call our office to add the tenant information so they get a copy of the bill.
11. I am away for the winter/summer and no water is being used. How come I still receive a bill?
As long as there is a meter in your home you will continue to receive a minimum bill, even if no water is used. If you will be gone longer than three months it may be to your benefit to have the water turned off at the street. Only a MMA employee is allowed to access the curb shut off to your home. You should contact our office to schedule a water turn off/turn on.
12. Why does the water look discolored sometimes?
Rust and mineral deposits can accumulate in a water main. The sediment normally lays dormant in the water main unless an interruption of flow disturbs the material. Typical interruptions can be caused by a fire in the area, water main breaks, or department hydrant flushing. It can be unsightly, but is not a health hazard.
13. What should I do when I experience discoloration of my water?
You should contact the Morrisville Municipal Authority to see if we can determine the cause. After the situation has been corrected, you should run your cold water faucet to clear the water. You should refrain from washing clothes during this time.